
How Do You Create a Tweak?

For the Root.plist file, you can find out what cells are available to use by default here and here.


#include "EXMRootListController.h" // better to change to #import

@implementation EXMRootListController

- (NSArray *)specifiers {
    if (!_specifiers) {
        _specifiers = [self loadSpecifiersFromPlistName:@"Root" target:self];

    return _specifiers;


This is the code of the view controller that displays when the user opens up the tweak settings page.

Let’s go through it one by one.

This also allows the developer to make cells manually, you would need to add the specifier manually through PSSpecifier and then add it to the _specifiers array.

Linking the preference bundle to the tweak can also be found in my preference bundle examples page:

Previous Page (Preference Bundles)

Next Page (MSHookIvar)